Know Ulcer Disease

Know Ulcer Disease - Helath In My
Know Ulcer Disease - Helath In My

Also called gastric ulcer or gastric ulcer inflammation, which is a symptom that occurs in the stomach as a result of inflammation or injury causing heartburn, pain, and tenderness in the abdomen. Ulcer disease can be suffered by all ages and can recur at any time if the patient had multiple causes of ulcer disease.

Causes of Ulcer Disease

Maybe you are still confused, what is the cause of ulcer disease. For that, consider some of the causes of ulcer disease following:
  1. Irregular eating patterns
  2. As a result of taking certain medications
  3. The habit of eating alkhohol
  4. The existence of harmful microorganisms in the stomach
  5. Irregular sleep patterns
  6. Often stress
Ulcer disease can be divided into two types, namely acute ulcer disease and chronic ulcer disease. Judging from the level of severity, the ulcer can be divided into three, namely:

  1. Mild gastritis can be said to be in the early light, that is, if the examination will be detected excess stomach acid in the stomach wall.
  2. Maag are, where people begin to feel pain, nausea and pain that made it uncomfortable.
  3. Chronic gastritis, where the patient will feel pain, pain and nausea with the intensity of a much more severe than moderate.
  4. Gastric cancer, gastric diseases that result from exposure to gastric harmful microorganisms, namely Helycobacter pylori.

Although seem trivial, severe ulcer disease condition is very dangerous and can cause death in patients. Therefore, suitable treatment when experiencing some symptoms of gastritis, which include: pain during bowel movements, often feel hungry stomach, bloating, nausea and vomiting, pain in the chest and abdomen. Will increasingly diverse symptoms of gastritis in patients with severe ulcer disease, so it is very annoying and cause the patient pain.

How to Treat Ulcer Disease

Actually, ulcer disease can be cured, but ulcer disease can recur at any time, if the patient had one cause, say: disordered eating, overeating, and so forth. To relieve ulcer disease, the patient can consume ulcer drug, which is two hours before eating because it can help neutralize stomach acid. After the meal, the patient can take the medicine again after two hours, which protects the stomach from stomach acid that has been produced after a meal. Thus, the stomach acid will not cause injury and cause pain, tenderness or pain in the abdomen.

Ulcer Disease Prevention Efforts

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Therefore, before you attack ulcer disease, it is better to do the prevention of ulcer disease, which include:

  1. Organize a good diet
  2. Do exercise regularly
  3. Avoid foods high in fat, because it can inhibit gastric emptying, such as: cheese, chocolate, fried foods, and so forth.
  4. Avoid eating foods that cause gas in the stomach, for example: potatoes, cabbage, watermelon, melon, and so forth.
  5. Avoid eating spicy foods all
  6. Avoid drinks alkhohol, caffeine
  7. Reduce smoking habits.
  8. Avoid drugs that lead to irritation of the stomach wall
  9. Avoid excess stress

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