Benefits of Cabbage (Col) for Health and Beauty

Benefits of Cabbage (Col) for Health and Beauty Health In My
Benefits of Cabbage (Col) for Health and Beauty -  Health In My

Benefits of Cabbage (Col) for Health

cabbage cabbage
In traditional medicine, the leaves of cabbage known efficacy for treating inflammation. While modern medical science knows cabbage as an anti-cancer vegetable. In addition, there are many other benefits of this vegetable.

1. Brain Health

The content of vitamin C and anthocyanins contained in the cabbage is able to maintain the condition of the brain and improve memory and concentration. Both of these nutrients can prevent nerve damage and reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease. Even cure Alzheimer's.

2. Removing Toxins from In The Body

Cabbage is a vegetable with vitamin C and high sukfur. Both of these compounds are very useful in removing toxins from the body that cause diseases such as from arthtiris, skin diseases, rheumatism, and gout.

3. Prevent Cancer

Some studies indicate that the cabbage has the ability to prevent cancer cells, such as breast cancer. This is caused by compounds such as lupeol, sinigrin, and sulforaphane were able to inhibit tumor growth and cancer.

4. Smooth Blood Circulation

Keeping it smooth blood circulation is very important to prevent stroke and heart disease. Potassium content in cabbage was able to dilate blood vessels so that blood flow throughout the body remains smooth.

5. Overcoming Headaches

Turns cabbage has long been used as traditional medicine for headaches. The trick, cabbage puree blended manner. Wrap in a clean cloth and kompreskan on the forehead headache sufferers.

6. Maintain Eye Health

Cabbage (Col) is also very good for maintaining healthy eyes. Just like vegetables and fruits with high vitamin A content. For example, Apple, Carrot and Leek which we discussed yesterday. Diligent consume cabbage from childhood to avoid using glasses as adults.

7. Drug Thrush

In addition to treating headaches, cabbage is also often used as a traditional medicine thrush. This is thanks glutamine substances in it. To get the benefits in treating thrush, simply by consuming cabbage juice regularly.

8. Smooth Digestion

Just like bananas, cabbage or cabbage can also membenatu digestion and constipation or constipation. This is due to sulfur and other minerals.

9. Other Benefits

Cabbage is rich in vitamin E, which the vitamin has many benefits for the body. In addition to repair tissue damage cells in the body, waging metabolism, also boost the immune system.

Cabbage Benefits for Beauty

In addition to health benefits and is used as a medicine tradisiona, cabbage are also many benefits to the world of beauty. including preventing premature aging, skin and helps maintain the beauty of weight loss diet program.

1. Lose Weight

Who would not want to look beautiful with a slim body? Almost every woman wants it. That is why they are willing to go on a diet to lose weight. Cabbage is the right food to help your diet program. These vegetables are low in calories and high in fiber so as to reduce excess fat in the body.

2. Prevent Aging

The content of vitamin E in the cabbage is also beneficial for beauty, especially the skin. The content of vitamin C and antioxidants can also prevent premature aging and keep the skin to stay young.

3. Beauty Skin

In addition to vitamin C and vitamin E, in cabbage also a good sulfur compounds to fight fungal and bacterial infections that cause acne. Use a mask of cabbage on the skin to face membeuat look beautiful. Cabbage is also beneficial for maintaining healthy hair

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1 Response to "Benefits of Cabbage (Col) for Health and Beauty"

  1. Cabbage Juice

    is useful for keeping up solid eyes. Much the same as vegetables and natural products with high vitamin A substance. The medical advantages of utilizing cabbage juice for ulcers is phenomenal in light of the fact that in around 10-14 days, all if not the greater part of the ulcers are mended.
